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The CA Math & Science Challenge! is a nonprofit dedicated to providing curriculum, teacher training, & ongoing professional development for K-8 Schools in underserved communities who wish to create Early Learning Advantage™ robotics-based sTEm programs.
Let’s Get Our Kids in the Game!
Support our new Initiative for 2021-22: STEM Stars Are Readers!
Support the Math & Science CHALLENGE!
An “Early Learning Advantage” Program designed to create Math & Science Superstars

The Math & Science CHALLENGE!
A Science and Information Technology Program modeled on the US Olympic Development Program.
- Step 1: Get young children playing the “game” of math and science;
- Step 2: Build a growth-mindset using Pass-Try Again Challenges and coaching: We can do this, we can solve this problem—if we just work at it!
- Step 3: Create a sustainable STEM culture w/ Math & Science Challenge Tournaments and teacher support networks.
Early Learning Advantage
The CA Math & Science Challenge STEM DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM begins at age 5 with a K-3 robot-based* Introduction to Programming, Problem-solving, and Applied Mathematics. Children don’t know they are doing STEM, they fall in love with their robot, learn its language, and teach it to climb the Project Challenge-Tree.

Project Challenge-Trees™
Active Learning Zones: It’s Not About the Robots!
Robots are powerful Mind Tools but the specific robots we use change as the children get older and technology changes. The key to getting real learning out of a robotics-based STEM program is using the robots in an Active Learning Zone™
- Choosing a robot for your Early Learning Math & Science Program:
21st Century Mind Tools. - Tutorial- How to Create a STEM Active Learning Zone™:
Using Project Challenge-Trees. - Learn more about:
Getting Training for Your School!
California Math & Science Challenge is a Non-Profit Benefit Corporation (501c3)