The rainy season is perfect for indoor Saturday indoor Math & Science Challenge Events!
Math & Science Challenge Events are non-competitive “tournaments” that allow K-8 students to experience the excitement of working to solve robotics challenges in the Arena.
- Feb Hoover High Event
- Coding in C!
Today we held our second Math & Science Challenge Event of 2019. Thank you to Hoover High and Wilson Middle School for hosting.
- Save the date for the big Greater San Diego Regional Botball Tournament, April 20
- Order your Botball T-Shirt for San Diego here: San Diego Botball
And thank you for the ongoing support of the San Diego Rotary Club, the Hoover High Computer Club and Teacher Jack Wetzel, and Pam Pham and the other Hoover Cluster Elementary Teachers. They have worked together to create a fabulous early learning STEM culture for their students!
Rotary Club of San Diego have joined with school principals to promote robotics based STEM
#csforall #cs4all #edtech #kidscancode #botball #compsci #OKsci #girlscancode #csed #computerscience #robotics #steam #edchat,#calmathsci, #stem, #coding, #programming, #design, #roboticsclub, #jrbotball, #pbl, #girlswhocode